Python menggunakan database apa?

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Python Database Programming with DB-API

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is used by many developers around the world. With its wide range of libraries and frameworks, Python is a great choice for building web applications, data analysis, and more. One of the most important aspects of Python programming is working with databases. In this article, we will discuss how to use Python to interact with databases using the Python DB-API.

The Python DB-API is a standard interface for Python databases. It is a low-level interface that provides access to the underlying database engine. The DB-API defines a set of functions and objects that allow developers to access and manipulate data stored in a database. It also provides a consistent interface for different database engines, allowing developers to write code that is compatible with multiple databases.

Using the Python DB-API, developers can create, read, update, and delete data from a database. It also provides support for transactions, which allow developers to execute multiple database operations as a single unit. This is useful for ensuring data integrity when making changes to a database.

The Python DB-API also provides support for stored procedures, which are database functions that can be executed from within a Python program. Stored procedures are useful for encapsulating complex logic that needs to be executed on the database server.

In addition to the basic database operations, the Python DB-API also provides support for database-specific features. For example, it provides support for PostgreSQL’s JSON data type, which allows developers to store and query JSON documents in a PostgreSQL database. It also provides support for Oracle’s PL/SQL language, which allows developers to write stored procedures in Oracle’s proprietary language.

The Python DB-API is a powerful and versatile tool for working with databases in Python. It provides a consistent interface for different database engines, allowing developers to write code that is compatible with multiple databases. It also provides support for database-specific features, such as PostgreSQL’s JSON data type and Oracle’s PL/SQL language. By using the Python DB-API, developers can easily create, read, update, and delete data from a database, as well as execute stored procedures and transactions. With the Python DB-API, developers can take advantage of the power of Python to create powerful and efficient database applications.

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